"Earth from Space" is a popular scientific magazine introducing the reader to a broad range of issues related to acquisition, preliminary and in-depth thematic processing, analysis and application of Earth remote sensing data. The magazine covers the latest developments and projects implemented using remote sensing data based on modern GIS and Web-based technology, current issues and trends in the field of space imagery.

Special issue, 2015 г.

№3 (19), 2015 г.

№2 (18), 2014
WEB, Geoportals
Demetra, GeoMixer
Space reform

№1 (17), 2013
Ecological projects
Legal expertise
Changes in legislation
№16, Winter 2013
Remote Sensing Technologies Application Practices in the Regions

№15, Fall 2012
Humanitarian aspect of space images application

№14, Summer 2012
On Landand at Sea.
Satellite-Based Monitoring Technologies Practical Application

№13, Spring 2012
RS Indusrty: Development Strategies

№12, Winter 2012
Space Imagery Realities and Prospects

№11, Fall 2011
ERS Market. Open Data

№10, Summer 2011
Space technologies for the Arctic Region: studying, mastering and conservation

№9, Spring 2011
ERS in Agriculture and Agro-Insurance

№8, Winter 2011
ERS in Oil and Gas Industry

№7, Fall 2010
Satellite-based monitoring. Operational services

№6, Summer 2010
Mapping, Navigation and Information Systems

№5, Spring 2010
Space and Education

№4, Winter 2010
Space Imagery and Emergency

№3, Fall 2009
Nature Protection and Web-Technologies

№2, Summer 2009
Cover story “Transportation and Construction”
№1, Spring 2009
Forestry and Forest Management